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Mega Clast - These strangely shaped boulders have been shaped by an impact event and tumbled around the crater and beyond. You see them lining driveways and out by the road as landscape by homeowners not knowing what they are just knowing they look cool. 
There is no one type of mega clast and meteor impacts are unique. The variation at this crater I call Frankewing, TN Crater is diverse. At Howell, TN these clast are shocked pretty hard and it gets even higher as you go north towards Petersburg where the meteor first touched down. The meteor was very dense with minerals, including lots of iron and was coming in just barely over the earths surface which was a sea and exploded while still going 30 + miles per second southwest. 
The mega clast surface shown above you can only find at Lake Logan, TN in the southwest crater near Elkton. It has a melt coating of iron and rock like icing on a cake. While the overall clast itself has been shaped by the shock chaos storm,  you can read about that at  it was not shocked much internally. The shells on the surface are an indication of that fact. You can see what a shocked fossil shell looks like at
This mega clast above is also a unique to Lake Logan, TN type. It is partially made of copper as an explosion mix of the meteor's copper and the impact terrain bog. Close up shown below with some more pure copper red streaks and the blue type which is an oxidize alloy. 
Shown below is the internal shocked structure of a mega clast form a mile north of Howell, TN. It has shock beading. You can read about that at:
Shown below is a chip off the ole block, or boulder at Lake Logan, TN. As you can see this one is also highly shocked. The one below has traces of the meteor filtering through it in a plasma shock state. Let's figure that would be 60 + GPa  Also notice the "shatter cone" breaking pattern even with the filter pattern in opposition, clearly the shock realignment structure prevails as a grain. 
A mega clast is shaped by the shock particle storm. This giant boulder shown below is both scalloped along it's edge and has the crevasse cut into it. Located across from my house inside the SW crater. The sea flowing back inside the crater deposits mega clast under sediment or exposed as the chance may be. There seems to be no particular distribution pattern to small or large in such a violent powerful flooding.  
The micro mega clast shown below. Wind prints, well-formed thumbprints (regmagylpts) patterns, the shock storm makes them for impactite forms rather than atmosphere entry. Scale is 1/32 inch found at Lake Logan, TN. The shapes of mega clast and micro mega clast are studied on meteortites.
Inside the grove is the particle storm shown up close at detail of 1/1000 inch. Crystal viscous strings believed to be make in the pressure shock re scrambling of particles and constituent elements. Viscous pressure and elemental purity or sameness seems to relate to connecting of particles. 

This iron meteorite was seen to fall in the Sikhote-Alin Mountains in eastern Russia in 1947. Even though it was picked up years after the fall and has started to oxidize, it still shows well-formed thumbprints (regmagylpts) and some remaining fusion crust.

Geoffrey Notkin

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This is another micro mega clast, a high shock metamorph of the rock the meteor hit and some evaporate of the meteor. You can see the red iron mist and a few black oxide Fe3O4 inclusions. The shock was so high it has over melted it to brittle. It also has lines in Fe3O4 that are a high shock feature. Few people find these as they represent a phase in the impact explosion very close and are valuable representing shock in the 70 and greater GPa more likely 90.


Specimen from falkville, AL. Provenance here is that these specimens are only 60 miles from center crater of the large Frankewing, TN Impact Crater. The wave ripples idea is correct with blast wave ripples. The magenta color is nano manganese which the meteor had but at distance settles as cloud like in specimens. Redstone arsenal was named for the red clay but that is nano iron from the impact also as a cloud like deposit. 

As for what made the strange double lines in the top specimen, no idea. 

Evolution? Most people do not understand that evolution is based on geology. That is where Darwin got the idea that given enough time a positive constructive form would sporadically occur. Recently I did my best to show that a Petroglyph was an impact physics form and failed. The top rock in these two specimens has an impact physics form, no idea how unless it had inclusion that has dissolved. It does not make a positive constructive form however just an interesting one.


Blast Crazy Shape - I found this specimen in the creek along Sheffield Rd. near Camargo. It expresses the explosion idea. It has been shaped by the blast particle storm but also is in a lose plasma form. This area of the crater is in a wash back high point area. So specimens can have been mixed around from other areas of the original impact. 


Who could resist this shock formed mega clast. It appears to have a rare iron harmonic agate type form for a mouth. I am going to name it Bootstrap Bill. 


Jamie Roy Mackey

- High melt mega clast. You will see these in craters. People don't know what they are but like to use them as landscape rocks. They will be heavy as they are highly shocked. They can even show signs of melt like this one. As for why it is banded, it just must have been a denser part as these are shaped in a shock storm like sandblasting only in plasma state in this case.


Mega clast at Lake Logan, TN with "bricking." Bricking is a jointing phenomena seen all over a crater in the exposure strata. As shown below the bolder exhibits a fluid flow at time of construction. 


Kirk Ralph, Ontario, Canada, high iron small mega clast. 


The wind tunnel free form shape I lump into  the term mega clast no matter the size. This one is from Iron City, TN. It just looked different in composition. It is also heavy. So I put it under the 100mm macro lens and this is what I saw. 


It was once sand. It has an ash and lime binder perhaps like cement. All of which the energy of impact is capable of making. 


The blue stones of Stonehenge. From Wales. These are very likely shocked mega clast. Notice the "wave ripples" in two of the specimens. Banding a harmonic effect.


Preseli hills in Wales. Shock made metamorphic rubble. 


Moroccan desert,  plasma shaped. Also the shock particle storm can tumble them and remove material making these mid century modern art forms. I would consider this specimen a remarkable find as it does look like it is also a meteorite but the ablative burn has been partially weathered away. The mosaic cracking is true of impactites so that does not specify a meteorite as it does not have cavitation. It is the most meteorite looking of this type I have ever seen however.


Rare Impact Mega Clast from Silurian Impact Extinction Event. Lake Logan, TN. The Silurian Impact encompasses the eastern half of the USA and broke the earth's crust along the New Madrid Fault which was the impact center. 


High shock mega clast with inclusions and linear fossil shock melt. The linear quartz stream was once thought to be worm fossils and were even named by director at Smithsonian Institution. They were in fact fossils once but the high shock transforms them into shock direction linear streams. The fish is inclusions from the impact explosion inserted in a plasma state. This specimen could be from one of the earth's larger impacts which made the Himalaya Mountains. As this impact penetrated the earth's crust (Crustus Confractus) it's nominal surface crater is only a partial circle. Also most earth impacts occur obliquely to some degree. In this case NE around 40 degrees. Specimen phot by Hussain Syed of Peshawar Pakistan. It also appears to have been pelted by a round impactite while in the plasma state. 

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Cavitated Mega Clast, south Lewis county, TN. Shock made white from the high shock removing impurities and the rarefaction wave collapsing it metamorphic. It appears to have been propelled a great distance therefore from the Frankewing, TN Impact. The plasma structure has been made more pronounced by the action of water in this stream. While this would be worth money as a landscape rock it is telling it's story best in situ. 


Flow directional cavitation on shock mega clast from the Howell, TN Impact. Was thrown 50 miles from touch down at Petersburg to SW Franklin County, TN. 


The other end. 


Side by side phenomena. Left is the iron weld mist that is coating the mega clast it has direction so this was a blast wind from the center plasma. Right you can see the directional cavitation shock mega clast. 


Crossing cavitation. This one turned during its supersonic flight. 


Cavitation Spalling. Spalling can also occur as an effect of cavitation, where fluids are subjected to localized low pressures that cause vapor bubbles to form, typically in pumps, water turbines, vessel propellers, and even piping under some conditions. When such bubbles collapse, a localized high pressure can cause spalling on adjacent surfaces.

You can see craters on planets forming chain craters. This is a spalling effect from a supervelocity tangent effect, ejecta or a lateral impact. 

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This is the blunt end face of clast making cavitation. SW Franklin County, TN from Howell Impact. 


Shown above is a small shock melt plasma clast I found on top of Johnson Top which is the outer crater wall for the Howell, TN Impact located in Jackson County Alabama NW. Below is the famous bowling pin on top of a bolder on Mars.  Impact sculptors these as a liquid plasma making the smooth aerodynamic shapes. 


Shock mega clast hall of fame. Bottom section of Johnson top SW Franklin County, TN. 


Shock mega clast resemble the shapes found in ice flows for similar reasons. All those shock made smaller nodules have this in common as well. 


Not cross bedding strata, this is a shock made plasma mega clast that has made an according compression upon landing. NW Jackson County, AL from Howell Impact. 


picture looking down into crater which has a smaller 25 mile crater ring/oval this is some 50 miles from center.


Ejecta distance chart. You can see how easy it is to throw a clast 50 miles from an inner ring crater of 25 miles. 


Shock made mega clast with mosaic heat cracking and septarian Fe3O4 black iron oxide lines. This is the only one I have seen with the Septarian lines.  

Colleen Ragan-Periard  · 12h  · 

Does anyone know what this is. It was found in Alberta, Canada. It took 3 grown men to lift it.


This is the largest shock made mega clast outcrop I have ever seen. North Jackson County close to the TN border in Franklin County, TN on HW 97 an entrance to the large forest for logging. This is blasted plasma melted strata from the Howell, TN Impact thrown fifty miles to land here. 


Mosaic cross - this is a final effect a stress reaction to release heat most effectively.


Debbie Sanders Woodbury, TN. About 60 miles from impact center at Frankewing, TN. Shock mega clast from Howell Impact. This was once the lowest strata in the Howell Crater. The center crater goes from Petersburg to Pulaski as can be viewed from space. This giant melt drop is "shock white." Shock white is bleached by all that energy passing through it burning out impurities. The surface of your specimen has flow pattern as would a melt meteorite as it was shaped plastically.


Directional flight cavitation fractal erosion Impactite Mega Clast - Iron and local environment dense mix impactite from high shock heat. These type specimens are typically from the lowest strata of the impact and are thrown last found on surface miles from center often outside the inner crater. It is likely the impalements were iron nodule spheres that hit during flight and gassed out as evaporation plasma making a cavitation fractal from the high speed flight. 

Rock Collectors

Rayce Reed  · 10h  · 

Some rocks I have found in Muskogee, Ok. I have been curious as to how they formed. I thought volcano. I like them because of their unusual appearance.


Petersburg, TN. Large remnant strata with plasma cavitation. 


Very rare. Aerodynamic plasma state molded impact nodule with cavitation. The key is this picture.

Minnesota Rocks Minerals And Fossils

Teresa McCullar  · August 26, 2022  · 

What on earth did my hub bring me? It reminds me of a snake thru mud or a digit print from one of my reptiles but much larger . Hard sandy rock

Corner imprints not cavitation. Source of imprints unknown. 


Cavitation mega clast. These were cavitated at the time of the impact explosion. Shock white boulders have had the impurities burned out. Trace iron all over is a nano product of the impacting bolide. Mars. 

NASA's Perseverance Mars Rover 

Aug. 26, 2022

I came to the ancient lakebed of Jezero Crater expecting lots of sedimentary rocks. I see them now at the old river delta, but the crater floor was a surprise: lots of volcanic rocks.

Now my science team’s sharing some of what they’ve pieced together:


Impact blast cavitation tunnel in Iran. 


Lee Isham

Shock made mega clast with splatterform mosaic geometrics. Not a true mosaic but the intense heat seems to have made alterations to these figures. As you can see some of the plate capsules have fell off. During the impact explosion this bolder was launched and landed then received this silica/iron splatter or could have been splattered in flight. The hollow nature of some of the tracks and the quartz inclusion indicate it was a high energy charged splatter. You can even see quartz fractals in these tracks. So why do you see the geometric shapes? Resonate energy does have the power to form shapes according to the wave type and the linear splatter and moving rock will have a dispersion that will make some geometric forms. The physics of a high charged hypervelocity conductor intersecting another object in a super high pressure is not reproducible in a laboratory.

Christy Lyle

Sept. 21, 2022

Found in bankhead forest Alabama....never seen anything like it fossilized roots?


Isolating and encapsulating harmonics. Is a banding type energy. Also you can see in the upper left the fractal energy dispersion as it dissipates energy. The rough surface is the common particle storm coating but this has a mix which means it was also getting the unpulverized material blown about from the explosion storm. As this specimen is on the surface it is not impossible it is from the Howell Impact. I have tracked big boulders thrown 50 miles already. This would be about 80 miles but much less weight. 


Impact mega clast. See the striation patterns. The top is in more of a melt. This grain structure shows a fast made energy from right to left. A nodule from the impacted area blasted out who knows how far.  Sept 26, 2022

Archaeology and Ancient Civilizations


A camel petroglyph at the Bir Hima complex which covers the time period of 2500–1000 BC. Najran province in southwest Saudi Arabia

Shock made mega clast with directional melt flow and surface mosaic "toenail" delamination from cooling. This will be very heavy. These can be thrown a hundred miles from crater or can be in the center, I live in the large Howell, TN crater and have them in my yard.

Fossil raiders of Alabama

Anthony Jarrells  · Russellville, AL Oct. 14, 2022

Any idea as to what this might be? I haven't brought it out of the woods yet because I'm gonna need help. Is it worth retrieving?


Impact ejecta mega clast with: 1. Granular shock particle geometric matric and secondary coating. 2. Mosaic crinkle shrinkage. 3. In situ location with impact ash shale and other similar ejecta clast/nodules.

Anup Sharma  ·   · Oct. 14, 2022

Looks like scratch marks??


Impact mega clast, see the fractal coning and cross striation on the sides. Cross striation bands are the actual shock wavelength imprinting. The fractal coning is an upward energy in a stage before true coning, a transition energy state. 

Archaeology and Ancient Wonders

October 27 at 10:48 PM  · 

Hegra or Mada’in Salih, an archaeological site within Al Madinah Region in Hejaz, Saudi Arabia.

Majority of remains date from Nabatean kingdom (1st century CE). Site constitutes kingdom's southernmost and largest settlement after its capital Petra.

Credit: @archeohistories



Impact mega clast strewn field Mars left and Earth right. Joseph Henry picture on right. Dec. 15, 2022

Not lava flow, those are "blast clast." Impact mega clast are blast inversions of the crater floor which are melted and thrown some distance into a strewn field. The strewn field is used to infer the crater blast area and power of the impact. June 14, 2023. 
Good morning from, Mars, Earthlings! And to start our day, here is a great image from our Perseverance rover showing ver nice vestiges of a lava flow at Jezero crater. The image was captured using the left Mastcam-Z camera images taken Friday, 2 June 2023 at a local solar time of 10:20 am. I wish you all a wonderful day! Image credit: Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/ASU/Paul Byrne
Blast Clast, split upon landing with debris from event landing on top just as the day it happened. Sparta, TN Crater at Bald Knob Mt. This is why I prefer to do crater research in rural areas. Van Buren, County, TN is the second least populated county in the state. June 14, 2023. 
Impact mega clast. They are known for their fluidized shapes. The grain structure is the impact particle storm. The striations are the shock wavelengths imprinting. The dark areas are blast burnt. Sept. 6, 2023. Photograph by: Lisa Rigg  Iceland. 
Mega clast, note the flow tube center portion and the directional flow toward the left top. Sept. 6, 2023. 
SETI Institute 

#PPOD: Comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko

This photo is an approximate true color image of comet 67P taken by the Rosetta spacecraft's OSIRIS Narrow Angle Camera on March 17, 2015. This image is a four-frame mosaic, with each color frame imaged through VIS_BLUE, VIS_GREEN, and VIS_RED filters. At the time this image was taken, Rosetta was located roughly 82 km from the comet's center.

Credit: ESA / Rosetta / MPS for OSIRIS Team (MPS / UPD / LAM / IAA / SSO / INTA / UPM / DASP / IDA) / Justin Cowart

Impact mega clast with high heat mosaic surface and split on landing. Oct. 25, 2023. 
Cynthia Ramirez

October 23 

I wanted to share the concretions that I found here in Northwest Arkansas! Enjoy! This is located in Elkins, Arkansas. I'm not sure of the exact location because there is a little off roading to get there. 

Impact cavitation expelled boulders. I have seen this with the Howell, TN Impact Structure. You can see the Seychelles crater on the attached. Nov 2017

Bradley Peters

James Day

Geodynamical models of mantle plumes often invoke initial, high volume plume 'head' magmatism, followed by lower volume plume 'tails'. However, geochemical links between plume heads, represented by flood basalts such as the Deccan Traps, and plume tails, represented by ocean islands such as La Réunion, are ambiguous, challenging this classical view...

Lee Isham

Top contributor

But wait, that's not all. The Seychelles are part of the NW Indian Ocean Crater Complex. IN which it is the central uplift of a much larger crater. These mega clast can be expelled great distances as they tend to be formed last from the deepest part of the impact and are cast out at twice the velocity of the incoming bolide/protoplanet. See attached map. Nov. 3, 2023. 

Impact Tectonics.png

Lee Isham

Can you break off a continental piece with an impact? Yes. Consider Madagascar, it was part of a previous crater wall and then disturbed by a new impact which is equal distant from the mainland. Crater walls are very broken up geology easy to separate. Impact Tectonics. It is a triple crater wall intersection therefore highly fragile earth crust easily moved. Craters are in sequence with the first being the largest on down. Oct. 3, 2023. 

Shock made clast expelled as a melt limestone from crater. It encountered plasma bubbles which made the impressions. Shock white is a common crater indicator for limestone. It is likely tempered and will clink when struck. A type 3 impactite made only of the earth strata reformed. This often occurs late in the impact progression and can be expelled over a crater diameter or two. More about shock white. As you can see on this specimen it has separated the calcium by heat making the shock white outer appearance. 
Jan. 15, 2024.  

Steve Gillispie

December 22, 2023 at 10:54 PM  · 

Found in the Ozarks.

Impact clast/mega clast - These are shaped by plastic deformation and the shock wind. The shock wind is very abrasive as it has the particles from the Kinetic Explosion. March 5, 2024. 
Cheri Hinners  ·   · 

My mom’s rock, found in Onaga Ks.

NE Kansas Crater.png
Impact bricking mega clast. Strewn field or cut in place? Take a look at the displaced cubes below. Gum Springs, AL. March 31, 2024. 

Weird tree root organic modification of site. March 31, 2024. 

Impact mega clast from the Rochester Crater. The surface was plastic while going very fast and made surface wave ripples. Also, plasma hole on top. Shock white dolomite. Rare specimen. April 2, 2024. 
Erin Bertani  ·   · 

What could it be? Found outside of Rochester, New York Western New York, USA. Parents property. It’s 18 inches wide by 23 inches tall.


Linear Plasma Cavitation, SW Morgan County, AL. April 3, 2024. 
Comment exchange. 

That's actually rillenkarren. It's a feature of epikarst that forms as a result of solution of limestone. It's fairly common among the carbonate rocks of north Alabama.

Thank you for your knowledge. I am not a geologist I do forensic physics. So let's take a look at lab produced rillenkarren using water. Experiments Duplicate Mysterious Rock Patterns

November 6, 2020• Physics 13, 171 - You will note the grooves are long and skinny.


Ben Hoksbergen Next let's look at plasma weld. It is highly similar to the presentation in these specimens.


Ben Hoksbergen Now here is a specimen with the groves in two directions on the same boulder. There is a line of these going all the way back to the Howell, TN Impact Structure.


Now here is the USGS magnetic map of N. Alabama with the circular features marked. As a former bending engineer, I can assure you that you will never make circular features smashing plates together as is theorized in Raft/Plate tectonics. But if you want you can easily do that experiment with aluminum foil at your kitchen table.


Now here is the French crater for which this physics phenomena presents in Europe and received its name, is another on the Italian side if you want to see it you can reference this page:


Shatter coning in rock also SW Morgan County, AL.


Non-linear plasma cavitation looking up at cliff side SW Morgan County, AL. shown in attached photo. The water dissolving erosion theory is the previous theory to Raft/Plate tectonics. Problem 1 for this theory is water does not cavitate unless it is at very high speeds like a ships propellor. Problem 2 this is multi-layer cavitated upward and water flows down, is also at the top of a mountain and no streams are present, the whole cliff side is cavitated. Problem 3 sandstone is highly stable, and water does not react with it chemically as the world's beaches testify. Problem 4, the iron is distributed randomly as in an explosion, water deposited iron would be uniform like a commode with high iron content water.

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In situ linear cavitation transition form. Is oriented toward the direction of the impact blast. Notice the linear cavitation is top left side but does not come up the bottom edge. The right side has not fully formed cavitation but some lines. East of Eva, Morgan County, AL. April 4, 2024. 
Same location also a transition to linear cavitation. April 4, 2024. 
This is called a "Toenail effect." It is a type of high heat delamination. April 4, 2024. East of Eva Alabama. 
Plasma cavitation, east of Eva, Alabama. April 4, 2024. 
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Iron sandstone with surface swirls, impact mega clast. Phil Campbell, AL. April 27, 2024. 

Lee Isham

Impact mega clast, shock white, small peppering, stippling black dots and non-fractal Septarian surface flow patterning. This is a less energy Septarian type. The surface is isolating the mineral (iron) as a rejection pattern. Septarian Puzzling surface. April 30, 2024. 

Ray DeRusse specimen.  

Plasma bubble cavitation writ large. Spring Mountain, PA. This is from the Chesapeake Bay Impact. Spring Mountain is part of the outer crater wall.  May 4, 2024. 
Photo by Scott P. Hammons. 
Impact mega clast with crossing shock waves in grid pattern. It was simi liquid at the time. Viet Nam. You can see the overburden which is common with mega clast. Some of this happened at the time of impact modification. May 24, 2024. 
Tran Hieu Buu
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