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  • S1: completely unshocked (up to 5 GPa)

  • S2: very weakly shocked (5-10 GPa); uneven darkening of olivine as seen under polarized light; planar and irregular fractures (breaks in other than a natural cleavage plane.)

  • S3: weakly shocked (15-20 GPa); weak fractures in olivine seen under polarized light; dark shock veins and some melt pockets

  • S4: moderately shocked; (30-35 GPa); weak planar fracturing of olivine under polarized light; some pockets of melted material, dark interconnected shock veins

  • S5: strongly shocked (45-55 GPa); very strong planar fracturing and deformation features in olivine; alteration of plagioclase into maskelynite; formation of dark melt veins

  • S6: very strongly shocked (75-90 GPa); olivine recrystallizes, with local alteration to a mineral called ringwoodite and shock melting of plagioclase to a glass

Greater shock pressures will melt the rock, producing what is referred to as an "impact melt". These are seldom found on Earth, so they are very much sought after by collectors.

As a reference these specimens you are viewing have received a shock of 90+ GPa (Giga Pascals of pressure) the first atomic bomb test generated a shock wave of 13 GPa. 

Shock and the mixing harmonic. Shown to the right is two different rock types mixing by shock which has melted them. They were one type (chert) on top of the other (limestone). Silurian Brassfield Strata. They mixed up and down! 

Phase Shifting Materials - Shock Directional Solid/Liquid/Vapor instant flow

What at normal visual appears to be a pure shock gel wave is really a dirty explosion shock with micro bits of iron passing through the bolder. This is quite typical of impactite specimen micro matter as a storm wave. So you have the different strata melting and moving through, meteor micro matter passing through and vaporization and density collapse. The little inclusion is about 1 mm. 

Blending of limestone, chert, and fossils producing a rare shock fossil agate.

Explosion multi sequence shock - the specimens above have been though pure shock, which turns them into a gel plasma. As studied in nuclear explosions there are multi blast effects and finding such a high shock remainder of a pure wave just seems to be rare with so many complex explosion events. 

 What is the very edge of surviving center effects in debris relics from a blast that makes a crater 50 or more miles wide? These rocks are. About three miles from impact touch down point. It was the earth's only sliding impact so it was moving while exploding (see image at right). It has been partially vaporized; it is very brittle and has lost part of it's component density. You can see some of the limestone in the chert and chert in the limestone. They were at the verge of vapor. 


Scientists create diamonds at room temperature in minutes

By Sara Spary, CNN


Updated 8:08 AM ET, Thu November 19, 2020

PHD scholar Xingshuo Huang from the Australian National University holds the diamond anvil that the team used to make the lab diamonds.

(CNN)Diamonds might be forever, but that doesn't mean they have to take eons to form.

The gemstones are usually created after carbon is crushed and heated far beneath the Earth's surface over billions of years -- which is what makes them so coveted.

Now, scientists in Australia say they have sped up the process into just a matter of minutes -- and at room temperature.

An international team of researchers led by the Australian National University (ANU) and RMIT University in Melbourne, Australia said Wednesday they have created two types of diamond at room temperature

To form the diamonds, researchers applied immense pressure to create a "twisting or sliding force" that they believe caused the carbon atoms to move into place, said Jodie Bradby, a physics professor at ANU


This close up image shows the diamond "rivers."

Dougal McCulloch, physics professor at RMIT who co-lead the research, and his team then used advanced electron microscopy techniques to take slices from the experimental samples to better understand how they were formed.

When the team studied the samples they found veins of both regular and the Lonsdaleite diamonds running through.

"Seeing these little 'rivers' of Lonsdaleite and regular diamond for the first time was just amazing and really helps us understand how they might form," McCulloch said.

Researchers from The University of Sydney and Oak Ridge National Laboratory, in Tennessee, US were also involved in the research.

Sliding pressure and resonate harmonics. These scientist were able to make diamonds are room temp by using a sliding pressure to align the crystal structure, this is the same thing the shock resonate harmonic does to make crystals, it aligns them by frequency vibration.

The shock formed mega clast below appears to have achieved the same vapor phase state as the ones above and is located near where the others were found outside of Petersburg, TN. I think clast are shocked internally but also kicked like other impact debris. Where found is not where made in the impact event. I think that hole in the rock was vaporized!
BB117lOb (2).jpg

Meteor explosion over Beijing, China on Jan. 30, 2020. The glowing elongated spheres are the meteor exploding, breaking the sound shock barrier and ending explosion. This is what happened at the Howell/Petersburg, TN impact as can be seen in the shock faulting pattern shown below as radiating SW from #3.  


The specimen below seems to be dripping chert from the Silurian Brassfield sequence into the limestone. Looks like buckwheat pancake batter on a hot griddle. Kinda makes you want to write a country music song or go to eat at Cracker Barrel, know what I mean, Vern? 


I m p a c t  accretion


Strata border up directional high shock. 

Ruelle and strange attractors

The Belgian physicist David Ruelle studied this figure and he coined the term strange attractors in 1971.22 The clearly recognizable trajectories in the phase space never cut through one another, but they seemed to form cycles that are not exactly concentric, not exactly on the same plan. It is also Ruelle who developed the thermodynamic formalism.23 The strange attractor is a representation of a chaotic system in a specific phase space, but attractors are found in many dynamical systems that are nonchaotic. There are four types of attractors. Figure 1 describes these types: fixed point, limit-cycle, limit-torus, and strange attractor. 

A history of chaos theory

Christian Oestreicher, PhD

The current model of the universe is accretion based bodies. The current model of planet type bodies is impact accretion. This explains high heat cores, rotation, tilt and roundness. Bodies below 400 miles diameter may not be round as you can see with the moons of Pluto. Earth surface impact craters would involve this group. 

The specimens above show merging matter becoming uniform in density. Here is another example of that shown to the right where the conglomerate has been shocked so high it is one density inside and has even gassed out some of it's matter. 

Multiple shock harmonics behave differently. There are two kinds of multiple shock harmonics. Those after the impact explosion where a continued cascade of every smaller chunks collide (see shock chaos storm at: ) The other is a multi density impact. As identified above all earth surface impacts are mostly not round. But irregular shape or not roundness does not mean the impact is substantially altered. Like  angle of impact most angles result in highly similar craters. What does make a difference is highly not uniform bolides (shown picture at right). These simi instant impacts can have shock waves in an instant dis harmonic crossing and opposition, resulting in the specimens shown below. The crossing shock waves first created the spaghetti strand tubular crystals and separated them with the instant crossing shock. 

The above specimen is a very high shock condition I call shock melt. Not all that many people have ever seen it. This is usually accompanied by gassing/vaporizing and rocks so shocked lose material and become fragile. That is a very rare type and simi priceless. I am going to name it "The Neapolitan Cone. The strawberry section is likely from trace iron vapor from the meteor. There are crystal cubes and impressions in that section as well. The vanilla section may be a state of less dense material that has color burnt out or a mixing condition. 
Strange attractors resemble crossing shock.  
Not uniform bolide.png
The multiple density bolide. Besides the later chaos chain reaction which produces multi direction shock and particle waves in same or near same time, the impactor itself can make a high shock of multiple direction forms. 
You can see more of this specimen below on my quartz page but this part of this crater wall breccia rubble is in two phases at once (crater location assumption is based on the high mix of meteor and impact location components). How can you be in two places at once when you are not anywhere at all (Firesign Theater) ? This is from a multiple density bolide like several big chunks offset which caused a strange out of phase harmonic at micro interval. The striations are sand as silica base in a constructed by shock directional energy flow at just the right power to construct this type of tubular crystal striation. 
This specimen was found along a Richland creek sandbar, north central crater floor. Notice how strangely deceiving it is as shown below. Looks completely normal. I doubt I will ever find another specimen like this one. Is just too fine tuned a high shock effect. It has even vaporized some of it's original mass as it was too light. 
Not pure shock we have impact particles and material from the meteor, like olivine. Here it is again below in an strange collision at the top of the Tee Pee triangle section  and left side crossing shown below. What happens to the blade like crystal strands as they come together? Is like a frequency overlap but no pattern anyone has ever seen. Is the Twilight Zone. Notice the tiny breccia in this specimen, a very high frequency shock harmonic perhaps broke them into sand size particles. 
<<< Hyper velocity insert during the shock chaos storm.
Picture at left is a photo micrograph of Planar Deformation (from Wiki) Same phenomena, crossing shock, just at a micro level. 
Specimen below is from the Chesapeake Bay Impact. It has crossing forces that would appear to be of multiple directions. The impact specimens above and below are priceless. (I know, I tried to buy them both)
Crystals as breccia! Shock formed crystals then broken and scrambled. This was a many energy few moments event. As interesting as the busted and mixed crystals are, it pales in comparison to the tubular beam crystals of unknown type shown clearly in the specimen below. There is no know substance that fits this overall structure! Even lightning when fusing a rock does not make a path this small nor does it sort elements. A tubular high energy crystal form? Of lesser note the energy going through at some part of the energy event seems to be melting the quartz crystals into blobs. But hey you can do that with just 3,000 degrees F or so. The vertical hair line quartz streams are a phenomena of wide diversity I find specimens of in this crater. My study page on the line phenomena is is at: and another study page on it at:
Particle/line indiscreetness, this is a phenomena of energy in dissipation, an instant moment.   
The many directions of force and the crystal size and composition are somewhat indicative of the shock chaos storm which is a cascade of separation and changing energies. These crystals may be types of tourmaline, perhaps  Schorl.  I believe the break apart jointing is a cooling effect. 
Shown below is a between states of Constellationing and Widmanstatten Crystallization. It was posted on you can see Constellationing at:

Shock string crystal theory.  The specimen at the left is shock fried and vaporizing. The specimen below it has linear tubular crystal forms (Striated quartz). This is a shock directional flow through sand at just the right power to make these spaghetti strings.   The two specimens below are over shocked and not enough sand. 

Specimen above shows diapletic shock a Planar Deformation Feature (PDF). It is from the Thrace Crater just west of Istanbul. It concurrently has "Constellationing" a granular crystal sequence from the "shock particle storm." While the theory often only considers diapletic or Decorated PDFs – Planar deformation features (PDFs) decorated by fluid and/or mineral inclusions as the result of annealing. This is a Multiple Wave Harmonic Structure (MWHS). The many directional striations and inserts represent concurrent multi direction sources of shock including shock with plasma wave.
The above specimen was found by an Arizona collector and is from the Barringer Impact. It is an excellent example of the sand strand and chaos structuring. The many directions of the shock energy from the many break apart cascading collisions has produced shock from a multitude of directions all at once. 
These two specimens were obtained from the north crater floor along a sandbar in the Richland creek. 
SW Frankewing, TN Impact specimen shown above impact sand streaking and Farmington NM example below. 
Cerussite from Nambia shown above. Likely a shock product from the Vredefort Impact. As cerussite can be found in non striated form, striation may be a shock signature.

The example below is more than illustrative of the shock chaos storm but managed to create some tubular crystal structure. It sustained a level of shock so high it is melting which may be what reveled the tube crystals which could have been created at a lower shock level. It retains some trace coloring from sand and iron but is largely a melt blob of quartz capped with a mixed residual. This coloring is more typical of a land impact and the unique nature of shock debris is affected. It is similar to the cerussite shown above, but more shocked and melting. 

Specimen left from Missouri, USA. Tubular crystal forms! Constellationing, forming septarian and an iron mist spray from the impactor it's self. Wow how does all that go on in one rock?
Tubular crystal forms are not that common and often found with lighting strike fulgurites but they are usually hollow. 

Shock Light Wave Spectrum, Laser Shock. - While we think of shock as an expanding wave the frequencies produced in multi shock chaos include beam shock a high frequency tubular wave of a many source stream making the spaghetti form. Individual beams seem to be rare. Shock waves can be created using high-intensity short-pulse lasers so a relationship is know to exist. So what would all that light do from an impact? The 2013 air burst meteor over Chelyabinsk was brighter than the sun.  

A closed fractal is a septarian. Here we see a state of both in a frozen moment. 
Micro meteorite from Jon Larsen of Project Stardust. It is between states a moment of fractal and Septaritan two dimensional crystal form. Septarian is a derivative of fractal. 
And here it is again. Look to the right of the neck of the Horse Head and see the stream of fractal forming Septarian. 
Ultramarine, Lapis lazuli with nebula cloud fractal septarian effect. 


The intense blue color is due to the presence of the trisulfur radical anion (S
3−) in the crystal.
[11] An electronic excitation of one electron from the highest doubly filled molecular orbital (No. 24) into the lowest singly
occupied orbital (No. 25)[12] results in a very intense absorption line at λmax ~617 nm

So what kind of energy would make such an impact to knock electrons around, I wonder. 

Now here is another thing about the phenomena of between states, energy can be both a dot and a line. It is a dissipation effect. Shock as a capture of effect in rocks is a quick picture too. It also captures other energy effects as well. 
This is an incomplete dendrite which are fast formed fractals, not being able to crystal in 3 dimensions but this is between states. Unlike the usual theory regarding such rocks as this which postulates ti to be the filling of voids by slow deposit; I think this is a shock made process that was too fast to even form a dendrite fractal. A close in relic of a shock chaos storm.
Gold dendrite, not as crisp because gold is so malleable. 
Too much energy to fractal. 
Shown below, specimen from Pulaski, TN Rogers Group Quarry. Discreet dots in breakup energy form. 
<<< Dendritic fine particle constellationing! 
Shock Wash - Energy Stratigraphy and the instant event. Shown below is a challenge photo in the geology community (Facebook Learning Geology). While it certainly does illustrate some of the sedimentary principles traditionally taught, it also presents problems for such theory. The frozen upward cone shaped vein not being the least of which. The study of crater dynamics is also poor. Large impacts into a sea with various types of impact surfaces and bolide constructions are missing. Sadly most crater dynamics are fundamentally more chemical or atomic based than kinetic. This strata demonstrates the flaw of that conceptual  misfortune. A kinetic event as this illustrates is not one event nor is heat it's primary metamorphic modifier. Nor can you present impact as a type. All impacts are unique. Even forensic ballistics can fingerprint a bullet fired from a gun. For the challenge strata below it is obvious that the material it's self has been particle-ized.  You have a shore rounded material that is large but the striations themselves are made up of a common small particle from a shock chaos storm with powerful crossing vectors and septarian voids. You could agitate an aquarium gravel in unlimited experiments and never recreate these shown patterns. It would take a flash frozen extra energy to do that. While kinetic the instant unloading of a cosmic speed impact causes explosion, shock harmonics with rarefaction ripping i. e. the common particle creator, friction heat up to the point of a plasma and vaporization and rebounding chaos of multiple forms and direction. Unlike an agitation this is fast and makes an energy picture different than any sloshing aquarium. Then over time the lose fragments are settled and they have many colors from the impacting bolide elements as shown in this picture. 
The upward vector. The cone section is difficult to explain tectonically unless this is the fault ridge and is too small for that. Coning pointing up would be the explosion dynamics as an impact feature in strata. Although you typically see melt breccia impact into a sea makes a frozen turbulent record. Shown below is just such a record in an inside crater bolder at Lake Logan, TN. How could a sediment swirl not compact back down unless a "flash" setting process occurred?  
Close up of the upward running vein section, a "fluid feature." Uniformity of grain size, how does that happen? 
<<< Watch these crossing vectors merge, a frozen plasma action in motion event or you would have cracks and abrupt vector endings. Is like shuffling a deck of cards here.  
Now this is an after break form on the south crater wall. Angular cross bedding with shell lag deposits. More of a form then break look. 
What would be the sedimentary or tectonic geological process to make the strata form shown below and leave it frozen quickly set in place as shown like a photo of a surf wave? 
Speaking of surf waves here is a rolling form wave captured as a moment shown on a bolder near Coldwater, TN inside crater floor area. 
<< Dynamic holes and the cresting roll from right to left. 
<<< Lateral direction from right to left as shown in the angel fish hydro dynamic form. 

Inside the wave tube, dude. Gnarly wave. 

How could any wet rolling structure like this not flatten out or crack as it dried? You have both the event and the freezing of it at the same time. 

Cucumber Hollite is way more interesting than I thought. Check out the three behaviors of the black iron oxide on this surface. It borders around the yellow sulfur, spreads like rain below that and clumps below that. How do you have 3 behaviors in so small a span without a very vigorous chemistry.

Lace Septarian - This is not a septarian; it is a transition to crystal from a crystal form. is in multi states of a shock particle progression. is the only example i have ever seen like it. 


Rainbow lattice sunstone - Two crossing harmonics at the same time. Australia. 


Ron Eldridge collected this specimen. It is making a yen yang triangle harmonic sequence. This is a close in survivor of high shock wave patterning. 


Flash Phase - This specimen appears to have been in contact with the plasma bubble. This is a center impact explosion effect where the nano particles like iron from the meteor exist. You usually just find highly melted phenomena this close but this appears to have been flash touched. Jim Kingdon specimen. It is also a type of splatterform but a new type


Chrysanthemum stone with cross shock striation - Contrary to the forming explanation you will read on Wacky Wiki this specimen is showing cross shock overlap. High metamorphic. See the little voids in the surface? That is evaporation a very high heat. The granular particle structure is very fine.  Note how this specimen has a missing petal in the front. A smooth separating surface is indicative of a harmonic surface shock wave that makes a pause energy at the wave boundaries. 


Impactite in multi effect at nearly the same time. I call this type phase shifters. This one is a harmonic phase shift. The geometric forms are imprinted shock waves now settled down to imprint as close in the waves are too large and strong.


A fractal/circle in overlap condition, time as relational to event is in two times as represented by this specimen belonging to Jim Kingdon. 


Impactite with melt concurrency one of my very favorites - This was a very high energy process. The base matrix looks like earth surface material. The pebble conglomerate as well. The iron/quartz splatter is a shock harmonic effect. The physics of these very high energy shockwave processes forms geometric shapes like perpendicular waves. 

strange find I.D., geology, archaeology, paleontology, Native Artifacts

Chris Brown  · Aug. 3, 2022

Found in Yukon. Any ideas?

Shock limestone, with surface evaporating, rare specimens state. March 7, 2024. 
Fariz Yerdelen  ·   · 

Can I get info thank you

Rare impact nodule with physical change of states cusp conditions. The iron and silica have enough difference in properties to affect the bubbling, expansion, crystallization, and melt flow. April 20, 2024. 

Clifford Martn  ·

I have these larger sandstone(limestone) concretions so what are these tubes in them

Ice Bubbles - The water is not one temperature. This multi state change presents with small and larger ice bubbles. A compression compaction is also occurring. Like drops the ice is separating to a sherical drop form. The size is relational to the zone where more or less cold is present. April 22, 2024. 

Universe Science technology Aliens UFO🌟👽

χριστινα ουζουνη  · 

Top Contributor

Famous ice bubbles of Abraham Lake, Alberta, Canada

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